PHONE NUMBER: (416) 395-2620


EMAIL ADDRESS: LawrenceHeights@tdsb.on.ca


Lawrence Heights Middle School's Mission Statement

Lawrence Heights Middle School is an exciting place to be and a great place to learn.  We offer a comprehensive curriculum with a strong focus on core language arts and mathematics subjects as well as an emphasis on Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics (STEM), the arts including drama, dance, visual arts, instrumental music, and health/physical education. Technology is integrated throughout the teaching and learning environment. 
There are many opportunities for students to become involved and engaged in the school: sports teams; intramural activities; the band and choir; the student leadership team, drama or dance clubs, boys/girls clubs, junior chefs club, etc. There is something for everyone!

Lawrence Heights has a variety of programs to support students with special needs. We have two full day Intensive Support Programs which include additional staff such as Child and Youth Workers, an Educational Assistant, and a Special Needs Assistant, as well as classroom teachers, and very small class sizes. We also have two half-day special education programs for students requiring additional support in language arts and mathematics. These classes also have smaller class sizes and are supported by an Educational Assistant and the classroom teacher. In addition, students with Individual Education Plans placed in a regular classroom are supported by Special Education Resource Teachers for several periods in a 10 day cycle.

Model Schools for Inner Cities

Lawrence Heights is a member of the ÎÛÎÛÂþ»­’s Model Schools for Inner Cities program. This program offers many opportunities for our school community, including a Community Support Worker to liaise with parents, Vision/Hearing screening clinics, student nutrition programs, a Teaching and Learning Coach to support our staff, and the Beyond 3:30 after school program. The vision for student success of the Model Schools program is founded on Five Essential Components: innovative teaching and learning; support services to meet the well being of children; community involvement; research, and sharing best practices.

The vision for student success of the Model Schools program is founded on the Five Essential Components: innovative teaching and learning; support services to meet the well bring of children; community involvement; research, and sharing best practices. 

More Information About Lawrence Heights Middle School

Beyond 3:30 After School Program

Our Beyond 3:30 after school program is supported by the Toronto Foundation for Student Success, The Toronto Community Foundation, and the ÎÛÎÛÂþ»­’s Model Schools for Inner Cities. This program runs until 8:00 PM every weekday, and has four staff providing cooking programs, homework help, physical education activities, various arts programs and social activities. 

Continuing Education

The ÎÛÎÛÂþ»­'s Continuing Education Department provides support for our school community through  after school numeracy and literacy tutoring programs available to all students free of charge.  In addition, Continuing Education also funds Summer School at Lawrence Heights each summer during the month of July.

School Community Partnerships

Our community partners include:  Havergal College and Upper Canada College, York University Urban Diversity Program Student Teachers, University of Toronto Student Teachers, University of Toronto Vic Reach Volunteers, George Brown College Child and Youth Worker student placements, Scott Mission volunteers and evening programs, and the Trails program.

Lawrence Heights school facilities are available free of charge for use by community groups, and are accessed by booking through the ÎÛÎÛÂþ»­'s permit department. Through the support of the ÎÛÎÛÂþ»­'s Priority Schools Iniative, our school facilities are utilized by a wide variety of community groups on weeknights, and also on weekends during the school years as well as in the summer time.

Student Nutrition Programs

Healthy snacks are prepared for all students every morning by our cafeteria supervisor Mrs. Heather Blair. The school snack program is supported by the Toronto Department of Public Health, the Toronto Foundation for Student Success, and the ÎÛÎÛÂþ»­’s food services department. Healthy and affordable lunches are served every day in the cafeteria.

Additional Features

  • STEM program
  • Instrumental Music Program
  • Comprehensive Health/Physed Program
  • Drama and Dance Programs
  • Visual Arts Program
  • Guidance Programs
  • Library Partnering Program
  • ESL Program support

Student Life - Where You Belong


The foundation of student life at Lawrence Heights is the staff advisor core homeroom program.  The school day is balanced between large blocks of time for literacy and numeracy instruction with the core classroom teacher, and rotary subjects taught by specialized subject teachers.  This balanced programming prepares our students well for the transition to high school, as well as providing important relationships with the homeroom teacher and class that are essential for student success. 
Social justice, equity and character education themes permeate the core classroom program as well as many other rotary subject curricular units of study.  Our teachers have a strong background in providing culturally relevant and responsive pedagogy that engages students, and promotes critical thinking and awareness of events and issues globally as well as locally. 
Our student leadership team is involved in diverse activities such as hallway monitors, student announcers and ambassadors, and school representatives for programs such as the Ontario Model Parliament held at Queeen's Park annually.  These experiences help develop important social, leadership and communication skills.


Outstanding specialized teachers, programs, and facilities allow us to provide an engaging curriculum for all students.  Our STEM (science, technology, engineering and math) program is taught by staff with specialists in science education and includes an annual STEM fair and support for students interested in pursuing the sciences as a future pathway.  We have a strong library partnering program to support literacy across the curriculum and to continue to engage students in reading both in curriclum areas as well as recreationally.  There is tremendous support for the arts at Lawrence Heights:  a full year instrumental music program, a school band and choir, very popular drama and dance and visual arts programs, as well as a comprehensive health/physical education curriculum.  There are many opportunities for students to participate in house league sports and numerous school athletic teams and clubs.  Our guidance program facilitates a successful transition to high school.


We have a very well supported Parent Advisory Council and a variety of additional sessions for parents including Grade 8 and EQAO information nights, and workshops on a variety of topics such as Cyberbullying and Social Media.  Plans for this year include an ongoing series of parent child math workshops using Understanding Math software that can be used both at school and at home.  Our Community Support Worker is also developing a program of workshops based on parent requests and needs.
In addition, we are part of the ÎÛÎÛÂþ»­'s Priority Schools Initiative.  Through this initiative, our facilities are utilized by community groups throughout the week and on weekends during the school years as well as in the summer time.  The school is an extremely important hub of resources, services and programs for the Lawrence Heights community all year long.