PHONE NUMBER: (416) 394-7650

GRADE RANGE: 9 to 12

EMAIL ADDRESS: Lakeshore@tdsb.on.ca


Lakeshore Collegiate Institute's Mission Statement

Lakeshore Collegiate Institute (LCI) provides opportunities for you to enrich your personal and academic achievement by providing a demanding curriculum that incorporates academics with the arts, technology, co-op and athletics. LCI is a dynamic school with a wide offering of programs for every student. Starting in grade 9, all students are welcomed to secondary school with an orientation program in August lead by our Leadership Students.
Unique to LCI, in addition to our broad academic curriculum, is an extensive technology program including courses in culinary arts, cosmetology, transportation, construction, WoodLINKS (fine furniture), CyberARTS, graphic design, photography and video production.

All students are invited to participate in our vast extra-curricular activities. The junior and senior level teams compete in a variety of sports such as football, volleyball, basketball, soccer, hockey, baseball, cross-country, track and field and wresting. A wide variety of clubs, including Model UN, environmental, poetry, PeaceMakers, student leadership and student council to name but a few, provides something for everyone.  LCI has an excellent intramural program that has earned provincial recognition.


CyberARTS is a four year multidisciplinary program where traditional Visual Arts are combined with Communications Technology and Digital Media. Each year students earn two credits, one in Visual Arts and one in Technology, and a CyberARTS certification upon graduation.
The aims of this program are to develop students’ technical, creative and academic skills while encouraging creative thinking, independent work habits and strong communication skills to prepare student for post-secondary success.
Students must go through an interview and application process in order to join the program. Further information can be found at:

CyberARTS is a four year multi-disciplinary program that allows you
to earn a credit in both visual arts and communications technology during each year of the program. LCI is one of only four schools that offer this progressive program. CyberARTS fosters creativity in its broadest sense and encourages students to become both technicians and visionaries. The program combines drawing and computer-based technology to develop skills including digital imaging, 3-D animation, videography, web and magazine creation.

Entry is by audition only and information regarding the application package and audition may be obtained by contacting the Student Services office at the school or by checking the CyberARTS website .

More Information About Lakeshore Collegiate Institute

Excellence in Academics Through the Arts

The Music, Dramatic and Visual Arts Departments offer extensive programs that include courses such as Band, Director's Craft, Theatre Production, and a specialized Acting Class. Students have the opportunity to work in our three large studios, for Visual Arts, with professional tools such as printing presses, silk screens, and pottery wheels.

The Visual Arts Department focuses on building a professional portfolio.
The Dramatic Arts Dept offers a highly specialized Acting Class with admittance by audition.

"LCI has facilitated my preparation towards a career as a theatre practitioner and an academic. I am incredibly indebted to all the educators at this institution for their consistent support and knowledge."
Anusree Roy, B.A. York University, M.A. University of Toronto, (DORA Award Winner)

"Over the years, the students from Lakeshore Collegiate Institute that have come to Theatre at York University have been very well prepared academically, and invariably do well in all our programs. And they seem to be getting better!"
Professor Peter McKinnon, York University

Education Sector Council Partnership

The Education Sector Council Partnership is a program based on "skills for global futures" with a focus on the supply chain sector council and the automotive repair services sector. This partnership is geared towards establishing contacts with area businesses to provide experiential opportunities and augment our Specialist High Skills Major and our WoodLINKS programs.

Dual Credit

Dual Credit, in partnership with Humber College, allows students  to simultaneously earn a high school and a college credit in select first year college courses.

Outstanding Support and Broad-Based Tech Programs

LCI supports your academic and experiential learning with not only three cross-curricular networked computer labs, a diverse library resource centre, five classroom based computer labs, but also outstanding broad-based technology programs in a variety of specializations such as Culinary Arts, Automotive, Woodworking and Cosmetology to name but a few.

Lakeshore Collegiate provides opportunities for ALL to meet success regardless of whether the chosen destination is university, college, apprenticeship or work.  LCI combines a demanding curriculum that incorporates academics with the arts, co-op and experiential learning opportunities, athletics as well as a full spectrum of technology-based programing including:
• Chef Preparation and Tourism Services
• Computer Programming/Website Design
• Carpentry/Cabinetmaking
• Cosmetology/Aesthetics
• Digital/Traditional Photography
• Graphic Design/Desktop Publishing
• Automotive Service and Repair
• Video Production

Additional Features

  • Student Government - All Grades
  • Student Leadership - All Grades
  • Extracurricular Activities
  • Intramural Activities - All Grades
  • Full Physical Education Program
  • High-Tech Bio/Chem/Physics Labs
  • Special Education Language Lab
  • 8 Internet Computer Labs

Student Life - Where You Belong


Fitness and School Spirit; every student is encouraged to participate and join any of our numerous intramural and sports teams. Lakeshore is in the process of completing a brand new Artificial Turf / Dome for our field complex, and continues to have access to ice time at the MasterCard Centre and pool time at Gus Ryder pool.

Lakeshore supports teams in football, soccer, hockey, cricket, basketball, volleyball, cross-country running, track and field, golf, badminton, lacrosse, wrestling, rugby,  swimming and Ultimate Frisbee to name but a few.

LCI received a Healthy Schools Award from Education Minister Laurel Broten, MPP, Etobicoke-Lakeshore recognizing our work creating and promoting a healthier school. Fitness and nutrition are a focus at LCI.

We offer a wide range of groups, clubs and activities where a student’s artistic, academic, social and leadership skills can be developed. Some of the clubs available include Students' Council, Yearbook, Caring Adult program, Environmental Club, Model UN, Camp Olympia for grade 10’s, Albion Hills Leadership Camp for grade 9’s and a German Exchange partnership with Paul-Pfinzing Gymnasium secondary school in Bavaria.


LCI supports student learning with cross-curricular networked computer labs and a diverse library resource centre. A Newcomers’ Program and a settlement worker are available to support our English language learners.

Student Services provides academic support, post-secondary/career counselling, arranges university/college visits, seminars, guest speakers, university/college fairs as well student support with scholarship applications and financial planning.

LCI's Co-op Department offers students opportunities to explore career options in a variety of fields/locations, ranging from hospitals to lawyers' offices, early childhood and teaching assistant positions as well as the trades. Many of our student placements in the trades are registered through the Ontario Youth Apprenticeship Program.

Most of LCI's students go on to University, College or into a skilled trade apprenticeship. We are proud of the numerous awards, scholarships and recognitions they receive for outstanding achievement and involvement in academics, our community and skill competitions.


LCI partners with many community agencies such as Public Health, Women's Habitat, Rotary/Lions Clubs, National Silicates, Humane Society, Clear Directions, Job Start, Lakeshore Area Multiservice Project, Etobicoke Dental Services and others.

LCI fundraises for the 30 Hour Famine for World Vision; Free The Children through our annual Polar Bear Dip, The Toronto Star Santa Claus Fund, Sick Childrens' Hospital and local food and toy drives.

LCI participates in the Annual Lakeshore Santa Claus Parade and provides community service by students in the cosmetology and transportation programs.

LCI hosts regular school council meetings on the first Monday of each month. Two outdoor electronic signs provide information to the community and an automated voice message system is used to update parents on current school events, pertinent dates and student attendance.