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September Program/Class Starts - LINC, ESU, ELT, Studio500

This coming schoolyear, individuals, beginning from those 16 years of age and up, can find a program/class.

Below are the start dates for our LINC, Essential Skills Upgrading, Studio500 Hairstylist, and Enhanced Language Training programs. Please note that each program has its own set of criteria that interested individuals must meet to register.

Program Name Session Start Date
LINC - Language Instruction for Newcomers to Canada Classes September 8
Essential Skills Upgrading Day Classes September 9
Essential Skills Upgrading Evening Classes September 16
Studio500 Hairstylist Program Pre-Apprenticeship September 12
Studio500 Hairstylist Program Full-time Apprenticeship Level II September 3
Enhanced Language Training Education September 9
Enahcned Language Training Information Technology September 9


Our Newcomer Services Centre in Malvern, Next-Steps Employment Centres across the Greater Toronto Area (GTA), and Scarborough Centre for Employment Accessibility in Scarborough are open year-round.